

Study the history and culture of Native American and Indigenous groups and become an informed advocate. With 火博体育's Associate of Arts (AA) degree in 本土研究, 你可以追求与土著人民一起工作的事业. We also offer a strong Native community to support your studies. 

Our 本土研究 AA offers transfer pathways to many four-year universities so you can earn your bachelor's degree. Gain knowledge and skills and make a positive impact in the lives of Indigenous communities.


Gain a deeper understanding of the lives of Native American and Indigenous people groups. 几个世纪以来, Native people have been subjected to forced assimilation and discrimination, 导致巨大的经济和社会差距. 但我有本土研究的AA学位, you will have discovered Indigenous history and culture from their perspectives.

Learn to appreciate Native worldviews through studying their literature, 艺术, and oral traditions. Discover the current issues affecting Indigenous communities, such as healthcare and sovereignty. Become an ally for Indigenous peoples through the 本土研究 AA program.

如果你已经是一个部落或国家的成员, studying Native American and Indigenous studies can help you deepen your connection to your culture. A 本土研究 AA degree also provides you with the knowledge and skills to become a leader and advocate for your community.



SJC's 本土研究 program recognizes the rich history and culture of the Diné (Navajo Nation). Its ancestral homelands encompass the region surrounding our campus. That's why our program courses emphasize Diné culture and ways of knowing. Deepen your understanding of Diné traditions, language, and customs by studying at SJC.


SJC努力为所有学生创造一个良好的成长环境. Learn from our expert faculty, who foster academic and personal growth. You will also have opportunities to engage in high-impact practices such as:

  • 荣誉类
  • 在学生展示和研究会议上发表演讲
  • 服务学习的机会

别忘了参观我们的 美洲原住民中心 (NAC), a student resource hub, to access school resources and join cultural trips. 看看我们的社区如何促进你的成功.


Prepare to transfer to a four-year institution with our 本土研究 degree program. 你可以在SJC的四个学期完成你的副学士学位. Then after you transfer, you complete your bachelor's in two more years.

有学士学位, 你将为事业上更大的成功做好准备, as many employers require candidates to have a bachelor's degree. Speed up your professional growth by st艺术ing your transfer journey at SJC.


因为 SJC的低学费, the 本土研究 AA two-year degree is an excellent investment for you. Get the support you need to prepare for rigorous courses and move forward in your academic journey. You may also qualify to get your degree tuition-free through the NM机会和彩票奖学金


The 本土研究 program focuses on understanding Indigenous people and their experiences. In your courses, learn from the perspective of Native people in the past and present. Study Indigenous culture and history through various academic fields, 包括人类学, 艺术, 和社会学.

Your courses also cover important cultural markers and current issues, such as:

  • 文化冲突与保护
  • 经济发展
  • 环境问题
  • 与非土著社会的历史关系
  • 语言振兴
  • 公共政策
  • 部落政府

This program requires students to take the following core courses:

  • 美国原住民研究导论
  • 美洲原住民的社会政治概念
  • 纳瓦霍文化
  • 北美土著居民

You can also choose electives from a range of classes, including but not limited to:

  • 美国原住民社会的当代社会问题
  • 美国土著文学导论
  • 纳瓦霍语 & II
  • 纳瓦霍地毯编织
  • 纳瓦霍人的哲学

除了, you will gain important versatile skills that help you in your courses and in your career. 它们包括:

  • 批判性思维
  • 文化谦卑
  • 信息和数字素养
  • 人际交往和协作能力
  • 口头及书面沟通



Be prepared to earn a bachelor's degree at a four-year university with 火博体育. With the 本土研究 AA, you may be able to enter with junior standing. 如果你想转学,我们强烈建议你这么做 与你的学术顾问见面. They help coordinate your coursework at 火博体育 with the requirements of the transfer institution.

SJC students with a 本土研究 AA degree can transfer seamlessly into the following Native American Studies bachelor's degree programs:

  • 路易斯堡学院
  • 新墨西哥大学


Five individuals pose and smile while wearing native-style dress

女士是谁?. 圣胡安原住民学院?

火博体育每年都会举办Ms. 土著SJC比赛庆祝土著文化. 在她的统治期间,希拉里. Indigenous SJC represents SJC and shares her heritage with the community. 认识一下我们的过去和现在的女士. 本土SJC优胜者.


As a graduate of the 本土研究 AA program at 火博体育, you'll have a strong foundation in understanding Indigenous cultures and issues. Most 本土研究 graduates choose to continue their education at a four-year institution to earn a bachelor's degree.

Successful completion of the 本土研究 AA and a bachelor's degree may lead to employment in a variety of different careers.

  • 业务: 在涉及土著社区的企业工作, 比如游戏, 旅游, 以及酒店业.
  • 教育: Serve in schools or similar education centers in tribal, rural, or urban Native American communities.
  • 政府与法律: Find a position in government related to Indian Affairs or tribal law.
  • 公共卫生或社区外展: Work with leaders of Native communities to promote health and raise awareness of local issues.
  • 社会工作: 协助土著社区成员获取资源.

Please note education requirements may vary depending on the job. 


"Getting my degree in 本土研究 is one of my greatest accomplished goals. The program enabled me to study in depth about Navajo grammar and sentence structure as well as history of local and global native indigenous tribes."

克里斯托弗·弗朗西斯| SJC校友


To enroll in the Associate of Arts in 本土研究 degree program, 你必须先申请火博体育. 这很容易,你可以随时在网上申请!


如果你已经是火博体育的学生, 和你的指导老师谈谈我们的母语学习AA项目. 你也可以讨论你的转学选择.



电话: (505) 566-3320


m - f8a.m. - 5 p.m.
